Association for
Professionals in Aging

Meet Bill DeHass

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Born and raised in a small rural community, about 45 minutes east of Cincinnati, Bill DeHass grew up surrounded by corn fields and various livestock farms. His youth, for the most part, was spent exploring fields and wooded areas that went on for miles. His grandmother, who we affectionately called "Mo", lived with his family up until he was 18 years old. After she was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease she passed rather quickly. Bill learned so much from her in my formative years, but he never forgot the feeling as the disease progressed and she didn't know who he was. She is the reason he took the path he is on now.

Immediately following his graduation from Northern Kentucky University in 2004, he began his social work career working at a small recovery center. At that time he worked with individuals from various age groups. In 2006, he began is career with Clermont Senior Services, Inc. working solely with older adults, and he has never looked back.

Clermont Senior Services is a private, 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to serving older adults. It is a source for information on services for seniors, age 60 and over, who live in Clermont County, Ohio.

For nearly 50 years, Clermont Senior Services has been providing and coordinating in-home and community based services, enabling older adults to live independently for as long as possible. We also serve as an information and referral source for seniors, as well as their families and caregivers.‘Service With Heart’ is the benchmark of our service and our staff exemplify this with their actions each and every day.

Bill says, "In my twelve years at Clermont Senior Services I have crossed paths with hundreds, probably thousands, of older adults and caregivers. Each of them shared their unique stories with me. I have always enjoyed the thought that I made it into their story.

Bill took time to participate in our Member Q & A. Check out his answers to learn more about him below:

Q: What do you enjoy most about being involved in the APA? A: APA is such a fascinating group of professionals, all coming from different organizations and backgrounds within the field of aging. Being involved with APA allows for the sharing of information in an attempt to better the services that are provided to the older adult population. I am also very fond of the Student Scholarship program. As many of us know, the cost of a college degree is on the rise. I love that APA can play a role, albeit small, in helping young professionals, especially those interested in the field of aging.

Q: If you could have dinner with one historical figure (living or not) who would it be and why? A: I don't know if he counts as historical, but I would love to have dinner with Bill Murray. How much fun would that be!?!

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? A: Time travel...because, why wouldn't you want that.

Q: What is your favorite quote, movie, television show, music or band? A: I love all the films of Wes Anderson and I also have a very strong affection for 90s British rock band, Oasis.

Q: What is your favorite local place to go? This could be a restaurant, a park, a museum, any local place you enjoy. A: I would have to pick two favorites. The first is a little Thai restaurant on the East side called Ban Thai. My wife and I have been going there since we were teenagers. As a lover of music, my second favorite place is Everybody's Records in Pleasant Ridge. There is no better therapy than flipping through records.

Bill was the APA President from 2017-2018. He is still an active APA Board Member.

You can learn more about Bill and connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Association for Professionals in Aging, 7672 Montgomery Road, Suite 181, Cincinnati, OH 45236


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