As of the beginning of this year, the Association for Professionals in Aging (APA) has a new president. Tracey Collins will put her spin on the role she took over from Sylvia Dwertman. A long-time APA member, Tracey’s experience, combined with her enthusiasm for professionals in aging, is sure to propel the association forward. Read on to learn some of Tracey’s plan for what’s next.
APA: Why do you want to be Board President? What do you hope to accomplish/contribute?
I look forward to continuing Sylvia’s legacy with a full year of events for our membership. My goal is to increase scholarship awards in 2025. I see this as a great investment in our future aging professionals.
APA: What is your vision for APA?
I envision the organization providing leadership, support and advocacy for the community of professionals in aging. My goal is to develop a mentoring and coaching model for new professionals as they develop in their careers.
APA: What else would you like to say?
I have recently taken the role as Elder Care Coordinator for the Law Firm of Dennison Keller. I will continue to work with the older adult community by providing case management to the aging population. This includes advocating for their needs, brokering for services, facilitating end-of-life discussions and assisting with navigation of the aging life spectrum of services. This is a great honor for me to serve this community and assist with end-of-life decision making.
Congratulations, Tracey, and we can’t wait to see what your tenure brings!