Recently, we recognized four very deserving people for the incredible work they do in our community. The 2023 APA Award Winners are:
Outstanding Leader, Elizabeth Bangel-Stehlin
Outstanding Service Provider, Suzanne Piper-Baird
Outstanding Project: Creative Connections in Collaboration with Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio, Kristin Cooley (Creative Connections); Angie Homoelle (Catholic Charities)
This is the second of a series of profiles to feature the winners. Read on to learn more about our Outstanding Service Provider – Suzanne Piper-Baird.
APA: What is your name and tell us a bit about what you do.
Suzanne Piper-Baird, Certified Senior Advisor, Elder Care Coordinator and Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor.
APA: How long have you lived in the tri-state area? Where else have you called home?
I grew up in Northern Kentucky and now live in Perry Park, Kentucky (Owen County)
APA: Thinking about your professional life, what are you most proud of?
My love for older adults.
APA: If we were to ask your best friend about you, what would they say?
Hopefully that I love deeply.
APA: What, or who, inspires you?
Jesus! Is there anyone else?