Tony Wright is Publisher & Owner of Wright Choice Marketing, LLC –
Regional Manager for Decided Excellence Catholic Media. In his words, Tony explains that Wright Choice Marketing publishes monthly magazines mailed directly to Catholic families focusing on the good and positive.
His magazines give businesses, nonprofits and schools the opportunity to market their services and write content within this niche Catholic community to grow and promote their business, fundraising and overall mission. In fact, his magazines are the fastest growing non-diocese run Catholic magazines in North America.
Read on to learn more about Tony.
APA: Tell us about your sponsorship of APA events.
Tony: I am a relatively new Networking-level Sponsor. (I started as a sponsor in early 2023.) Many of our business and nonprofit organizations are sponsors in my magazines as we reach decision makers for the aging community. I am very honored and happy to support the efforts of APA.
APA: How long have you lived in Cincinnati?
Tony: I am a proud life-long Cincinnati Westsider – 48 years. I graduated from Oak Hills High School. I have a degree from the University of Cincinnati in Accounting and a Master's from Northern Kentucky University in Mathematics Education. I have worked as a CPA, CFO and business owner for 24 years on Cincinnati’s west side.
APA: Thinking about your professional life, what are you most proud of?
Tony: Passing the CPA exam on my first try. It wasn’t an easy test. I’m also most proud of starting a new business during COVID – in 2020. These Cincinnati Parish magazines have helped bring the community together in very uncertain times when there was a large amount of negativity in our mainstream media. We are making a positive impact every month in the community and for our business sponsors.